All of these priorities are tied together.

  • Housing

    Whether someone prefers to rent, or wants the ability to own their own home, we should have adequate housing stock to make that possible.

    Eradicating lead, advocating for good cause eviction, holding absent landlords accountable, and ensuring residents can afford to live here, will be a priority.

    We need to prioritize addressing root causes for renters and homeowners, as well as the unhoused. We can do more to ensure affordable and safe options for the residents of Onondaga County.

  • Education

    Attacks on Education have been prevalent. We must do what we can to stay diligent and oppose those who support banning books, or who want to remove access to representation.

    We must ensure that children have access to schools, libraries and other third spaces to foster their growth and learning.

    We must oppose attacks on Special Education, and provide tools for teachers whose paycheck often times goes toward supporting their students.

    Free breakfast and lunch, as well as, UPK are ways that support children and their learning.

  • Labor

    We must deter actions that harm collective bargaining, and ensure union jobs remain in place. More jobs that pay a living wage, the higher the overall wages are within the county. This is another way to decrease poverty levels.

    Every working class person should have a work environment that allows them to have a voice. Collective power is essential for change, and protecting people. Work environments that do not consider employees needs are ones that put profit over people.

    Unions help to support a strong working class. One that is not exploited for their labor while the top 2% gains unregulated wealth.

  • Poverty

    Once again Syracuse sees itself at #1 in child poverty, and #9 for concentrated poverty in the United States. Meanwhile our County Executive wants to spend close to $100 million for an Aquarium.

    Poverty encompasses many issues, Lack of access to housing, education, healthcare, transportation and many other barriers stand in their way. We should be doing everything we can to ensure the children who are the heart of our county are able to thrive.

    Addressing poverty also addresses crime. If parents were able to work one job to survive, children had more third spaces available, and access to resources, we wouldn’t have the struggles we do currently.

Let’s invest in people,

not an Aquarium!!!

County government is not doing enough to ensure its residents are the priority, and not outside interests or legacy projects.

Onondaga County needs adequate and affordable housing, more access to education and other opportunities, labor union growth and solidarity, and a focus on childhood and concentrated poverty.

These things will help to ensure Syracuse is no longer among the top cities for childhood poverty in the United States, currently at #1.

A thriving Syracuse, which is the center of our county, will ensure a thriving County and Central New York.

Of course these are not the only concerns facing our County, and other needs will have to be addressed.

While addressing these concerns we must consider all barriers, abilities, and lived experiences.

Everyone has value, and deserves access to resources and community.